Jersey Boys and Aging Q’s

It’s Super Bowl weekend so YHC wanted to make that the theme of the workout, knowing this red blooded bunch of guys would enjoy it even more!  Problem:  the last pro football game the Q saw was last year’s Super Bowl. 🤷‍♂️  Then YHC found out Tom...

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The Gloom is Literally Gloomy.

Dampness. Fog. Colder than the forecast led us all to believe. More than one pax was heard to remark that The Gloom really lived up to its name today. The idea of heading home and regrouping around 2pn was floated and voted down, so let’s...

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Rock Bottom

YHC essentially dislocated a rib last week and was out of commission for 7 days. After having gotten it “fixed” and lots massage and tiger balm, I’m back! So now it’s time to make up for those missed workouts … right?   Warm-o-rama Mission...

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I got your crabs pregnant.

So we all gathered on a fine Saturday morning like Purgatory usually does.   The Q knew this site usually had good turnout so a plan was derived to accommodate social distancing, the only question was will it be understood by the rest of the pax...

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Purgatory, Staying in your Bubble?

Warm-o-Rama: SSH x 12 IC Imperial Walkers x 12 IC Whirley x 12 IC Abe Vagoda x 5 IC Dive bombers x 5 together but not IC Arm Swirly Things x 12 F then B Seal Claps x 12 IC Overhead Claps x 12 IC Moroccan Nightclubs x12 IC the Thang: Mosey to the...

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