Distillery 4.13

60 & Schneider got a 2 mile + change EC run in and rolled up as I pulled in the parking lot. Madoff & Sour Mash joined up and we got the beatdown rolling WoR – SSH, Abe Vs, Whirlies, ISTs, Arm Swirlies forward, OH Claps, Arm...

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Pre-St. Pattys Day Beatdown

Holy slack, I have been slack about finally getting around to posting the BackBlast. @Madoff, #Cobains. But, better late than never, right? Twas the morning before St. Patty’s Day, and all through the #Distillery. 8 merry lads ( PAX ) were...

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Keep It Simple Stupid

YHC was excited get back out to one of my favorite AO’s to Q a hopefully challenging albeit simple beatdown. The previous day’s weather and the uncertainty of cinderblock inventory were factors in my planning. A couple variations of...

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A Beastly Distillery

5 pax gathered and for the second Q in a row, YHC had to depend on others for time.  (More on that later).  After a slight discrepancy in pax timepieces, we went with Adobe’s and began promptly at 0530. Warmarama covered the standards...

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Thrusters Engaged

WARMUP.   SSH, IST, Michael Phelps, Whirlies, Spicolis   BEATDOWN.   Each round builds on the previous round, but then comes back down (like a ladder).  For example, the exercises would be: 1-2-3-2-1. At the end of each round, run to...

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Definitely NOT Dora

Well, here we go again. It was a brisk morning in #WeFoCo land and I had something special cooked up for the PAX. Cruiser and Madoff helped me set up the “cones” across the parking lot and we got things rolling. Warmup: Usual...

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SMASH Pumpkins

Well…better late than never I guess. It was another warm morning in #WeFoCo land. Everyone arrived with anticipation bubbling over. I was pumped to be able to Q again at #Distillery. Let’s go! Below is all the non-sense we went...

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