So much for rain and hurricanes

YHC did not have time and q’ing is still a bit anxiety provoking so with the possibility of rain I did a slight repeato of last week’s trivia tabata at Parliament, this time with a different theme and bad water themed jokes that...

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Runners at the corners

10 PAX gathered for a cool morning beat down in #wefoco with a rookie Q. Warmarama Side straddle hops x 22 Abe Vigodas x 5 Arm Swirly things x 12 Reverse arm swirly things x 12 Moraccan night clubs x 12 Overhead claps x 12 T-claps x 12 Michael...

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If pt. 1

The following excerpt from Rudyard Kipling’s amazing poem “If” was the utterance that distilled our fine Pax to their most fundamental elements this morning.   If you can dream – and not make dreams your master; If...

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Distilled Times from April!

YHC showed up to The Distillery and found that most all was quiet at the Rickhouse. Another PAX, unknown at the time, was walking towards the Rickhouse. After exchanging pleasantries, YHC and Seaman thought it’d be a dual effort to push...

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Distillery Dora

Warm-O-Rama consisted of  shit like arm swirlies, Abe vigoda, SSH, and various stretches.  We don’t stretch enough. The THANG was predictable for a Sour Mash Q…DORA! 100 Pubic Wigs 200 LBCs 300 Squats and for shits and giggles, YHC added...

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22s make it 110 Proof

YHC is making it a thing to do “22s” whenever I Q on the 22nd of the month. Today marks the third time! They are like 11s, only you change by 2s and end up with twice as many reps!   Warm-o-rama Mission statement  Core Principles  SSH x 22...

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Wait, who is the Q?

I show up with 2 minutes till start (per the usual) and the others are just hanging out.  Little bit more talking and then I start the music.  All of a sudden groans from all directions came from realizing who the Q was. Only 60 knew and Turn...

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Site Q Q

YHC couldnt line up a Q for today which means the PAX were stuck with YHC. GUCCI WARM UP SSH IST ArmSwirls f&b OH Clap Seal Clap Moroccan Night Clubs Jack Reachers Abe Vagota Whirly w/clap Hamstring stretch r&l Back stretch Bent Leg Body...

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Musical AMRAP Dice

Bevo had to bail last minute due to a stomach bug, and asked YHC to fill in. Rainstorms were in the forecast, and it was shaping up to be a rough morning. SO, YHC decided to take advantage of the covered area and keep the PAX out of the rain with...

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