I Like To Be Asked and To Tell

With the prospect of rain in the forecast, YHC decided to put together a beatdown that would keep the brave PAX that dared to post to #UA this morning as dry as possible. And boy did that pay off. There ended up being a very aggressive mist that...

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A text. “I have the sniffles, can you cover for me?” A thought, “I might be able to swing a free beer out of this.” A response, “I require beer in exchange for my services.” A response to my response...

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Boot Camp for Tractors

People tend to like running Friday mornings, so I decided to give the people what they want. Warm-O-Rama 20 SSH, 15 Imperial Walkers, 8 Abe Vigodas, 10 Whirly, and then some stretchy stretch The Thang This morning, we would take a tour of the...

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$0.00 < x < $9.99

Warmarama: Upon popular demand, we warmed up with SSHs, Abe, Whirly, Down/Up Dog, and Dive Bombers. The Thang: At every stoplight, do 3 burpees.  If light is red, do 3 merkins with each burpee.  If light is yellow, 2 merkins with each burpee, and...

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