No Q at VI

2 pax for a 2 mile EC run 5 for the beatdown. No Q (says he didn’t know he was scheduled, site Q fail) Doesn’t Slackbot send out a reminder? Never fear YHC had a backup plan in the truck. Warmup: SAH, Steve Earls, Arm Swirly F/B, hold Overhead...

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Birthday Celebration

12 pax gathered to celebrate the 7th birthday of the VI AO.  It was the morning after the super bowl and there was talk about wings a beer but they posted anyway. 0530 – mission statement and happy birthday to VI Warm o rama – SSH x...

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YHC woke up to a slack message at 4 am from Huckleberry.  He asked if I was the Q for VI.  There was a vague memory of me agreeing to handle VI sometime in January, but I did not see a date on the calendar.  Seeing how YHC was already planning to...

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A Tabata Christmas in the Village

It was a bone chilling cold in the Village this morning but a fine group of HIMs posted for a 45 minutes of fun.  YHC pulled out a used weinke, dusted it off and refurbished it a little.  The Christmas playlist helped keep the Pax’s energy...

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Rainy Insanity

Warmarama: The usual:  leg stretches, arm stretches, SSHs, Whirlies. Beatdown: Pulling the twelve days of Christmas out of the bag.  It went like this: Turk & Burp Cobra Crunch (DC) Russian Deadlifts (DC) Bobby Hurleys HTTH with Leg Twist...

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A Dirty Dozen Island in the Sun

YHC traveled to WeFoCo for some fun this morning. The idea of 23s originally popped into y head… but dang that’s a lot. So logically, 12s was the obvious next step down. The rain changed some plans slightly, but the empty upper lot and island...

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