Warm Up: SSH, Arm Swirly F&B, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Abe Vagoda, Whirly w/clap, standing hamstring stretch. The Thang: Tabata. 1 min on, 30 seconds off LBC,merkins, R leg step ups, Penguin crunch,L leg step ups,Irkins,WWII sit ups, dips...

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Death by Die?

Sometimes life will work in your favor and give you a break, but usually it just kicks you in the teeth.  From there you either face the crap and become better or run away.  I’m proud to say, even though there was lots of mumble chatter...

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Leg Day in the Village

It’s Monday. Today rings in the official start of Harden week in #WeFoCo. 1st AO is Village Idiocy. YHC sent out the required pre-tweet indicating a HC from Katniss, 60 minutes, Van Gogh, Sassy, Sour Mash, Huckleberry. Only one of these...

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No FNGs Allowed

Warm-o-rama. SSH, Whirly, Michael Phelps, Hillbillies Enter Spicoli (on Spicoli time) so the group did 5 Burpees Enter Bolero (on Bolero time) so the group did 5 Burpees Beatdown. Bootstrap Squats x 20 Iron Mikes x 20 Bobby Hurleys x 20 Reverse...

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The pool is open at the YMCA?

The Idiots of the Village hold a special place in YHC’s heart.  Fantastic location, with tracks, covered areas, picnic tables, easy access for EC runs.  But until this past weekend, YHC was unaware that there were rocks.  Yesterday, on a...

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Idiotic Villagers Strike Again!

6 PAX welcomed refreshing temperatures to the Village this morning and, in true idiot fashion, half of the PAX ran beforehand! A perfect place for Village Idiocy to happen as we marched quickly to 0530. YHC got the flag in the ground, said a few...

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A Payback Misfire

Upon my arrival back into town after a weekend golf trip, YHC was abruptly reminded by multiple Twitter DMs that I had the Q for #VI on Monday. A long overdue repayment of @Sassy’s favor of Q’ing out at #Mayhem back in February (which...

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Father Day

Eight pax, three of whom got in a +2 mile EC run, came together for some fatherly Idiocy! Warmarama: Consisted of Leg Stretches, SSHs, Abe Vigodas, Arm Destroyers, Michael Phelps Beatdown: Mosey to side, flatish parking lot of the Y.  Pax found...

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11! At VI

Warm-o-Rama SSHs Whirlys Peter Parkers Hillbilly Parker Peters Maybe some other stuff? Mosey to track and run a lap (evaluate field while running lap) Mosey to middle of field…or don’t! Pepe Le Pew was waiting for us and we decided against...

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