Father Day

Eight pax, three of whom got in a +2 mile EC run, came together for some fatherly Idiocy! Warmarama: Consisted of Leg Stretches, SSHs, Abe Vigodas, Arm Destroyers, Michael Phelps Beatdown: Mosey to side, flatish parking lot of the Y.  Pax found...

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11! At VI

Warm-o-Rama SSHs Whirlys Peter Parkers Hillbilly Parker Peters Maybe some other stuff? Mosey to track and run a lap (evaluate field while running lap) Mosey to middle of field…or don’t! Pepe Le Pew was waiting for us and we decided against...

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VI – Lost My Weinke

7 pax in total for a humid weinkeless workout. WarmORama 20 SSH 20 Imperial Storm Troopers 20 Arm Swirleys Front and Back, Moroccan Night Clubs and Seal Claps Whirley with the Clap Abe Bagottas Calf stretch Mosey to the track The Thang 3 groups...

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Recycling BLIMPS at #VI

It appears that despite much of #WeFoCo fartsacking this morning, VI was crowned the winner in most PAX as 5 posted to a recycled and socially distance-approved workout that hurts whether in “normal” or COVID-19 times. On what is...

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Ring Around the Rusty Q

At 0529 we had quorum and were ready to get F3 Winston-Salem going again.  Then we saw someone on a bicycle at the top of the parking lot heading our way.  Son of a b!%ch!  That was going to put us at 11 PAX and the Spamtan was present. We were...

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The Phoenix Rises Out West

The Outhouse recently changes formats to incorporate a recurring Iron PAX like Beatdown on the third Monday of the month to repeat for three months. YHC wanted to do it, and wasn’t about to let Qing at Vi stop me! So with some coordination with...

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The Clemmons Collider at VI

On a Monday morning, where 4 out of 5 participants claimed that they had to escape skunk aromas at their own homes, the poor souls that had gathered in the gloom got to work, with not a minute to spare.  As with every other Gucci Q, there was a...

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Drip Drops and Blocks

Muggy wetness awaited the six pax who conquered the sack and joined YHC for a morning in the Village. Warmarama: Let’s see; SSHs, Mtn. Climbers, Dive Bombers, Whirlies, Abe Vigodas, F/B ASTs, Michael Phelps The Thang: Fun Stuff. YHC had placed a...

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Christmas Eve Eve at #VI

YHC was hoping no one would show up since it was raining and YHC did not really have a plan in place.  That was looking good until 0525 when Starfish and Schneider rolled in.  Well, shit. We moseyed to the closest shelter for Warm-O-Rama and did...

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