Take That!

[WARNING:  Some of the following may be true.] Whirly got tired of having no friends due to his insensitive posts on the Twitter, so he decided to take revenge against the world by agreeing to Q and then substituting a younger, fresher, meaner...

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Mix Tape, Volume 2

I apologize to the boys who were expecting an utter body-destroying beatdown this morning.  That wasn’t today’s goal. Instead, today’s goal was to design a different kind of workout format that would keep the group together, increase the 2nd F...

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Block work at Parliament

Despite for forecast of snow….whatever, 10 hardy Pax came out this Tuesday morning to see what was in store for them.  A quick hello to Jalopy – YHC hears great things about you!  And we were off as follows:   Warm-o-rama SSH...

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Hair Band Rock at TRQ

YHC had the Q this morning on a chilly early Spring morning at TRQ.  7 veteran PAX in all posted for what I hope was a workout worth the price of admission (getting out of bed). WARMARAMA:  A medley of SSHs, Hillbillies, Seal Claps, Overhead...

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DashPAXruckers 3/17/19

Launch from the mothership, Hanes Park. Route: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/2429484826   on NW we encountered a disabled vehicle, attempted to assist with a jump. YHC is not familiar with these “new” cars and their big batteries so...

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The Rock Quarry 3/14/19

WoR: SSH, IW, HB, AST F&R, Whirly AV, Sun salutations mosey to the rock pile, grab a rock, and circle up for arm circuit, 20 reps each Curls Tricep extensions Upright Row OH press Bus Driver Merkins, 12 each wide  regular diamond arm circuit...

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At the End of Our Rope

Although stricken with a severe case of being Ordinary, YHC does my humble best to try to come up with something unusual or unique during my Qs.   Yesterday afternoon it occurred to me that a workout centered around pulling a weight via a rope...

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Parliament 6.26.19

YHC arrived right on time, delighted to see a full-ish parking lot (for 0524 at least). I readied my gear: my shoes were still wet from Zima’s IS – but I had a backup pair, my gloves were still damp from Sat – but I had a backup pair, but then I...

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