In Search of Perfect Form

This was going to take place next week, but unfortunately Starfish had an activation of gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia all at the same time.  #prayersup.  Actually he quite smartly asked for the swap given his post-fever status, and since...

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The only guy under 60 🤘🏼

I was the first one there….for a while actually. Started getting nervous and within minutes of starting everyone showed up and I could put the idea of an early chic fil a date to rest.  Whew! So anyways we started with SSH Hillbillys Imperial...

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TRQ…..What!!!? That’s not in WeFoCo land? That’s right, YHC had the Q this morning at the Quarry. And a glorious morning it was. 12 eager PAX hit the parking lot ( 2 ran in, 1 walked ) and were ready to put in the work! #DRP Let...

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Mom Jokes

BEATDOWN. Warmup We did stupid stretching stuff because the old men would whine if we didn’t.   Real Work Switch exercises every minute.  Rest when you need to. Blockees Curls Coupon Thrusters Side-to-Side Merkins Corkscrews   3MOM...

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TRQ Minus the Rock Quarry

YHC had the Q-honors at TRQ today!  Great to be with the four other HIMs who conquered the sack with me.  Here’s what we did. Warmarama: SSHs, Abe Vigodas, Whirlies, Hamstring and Hip stretches, Cherry Pies The Thang Mosey to playset beside the...

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Damp 22s

YHC gave the PAX a choice at the beginning of the beatdown. Covered, or non-covered? The plan for covered was to play with a deck of cards and bear crawl, lunge walk, merkin, and burpee our way around under the covered area. It would have been...

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The Eras Tour Comes to WeFoCo!

Nine pax can now say they attended an Eras concert without 1) having to pay $1,000 a ticket or 2) listen to Taylor Swift for 3 hours.  But they did have to put up with a technology challenged old man, his Spotify playlist, and a workout written...

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TRQ & WIB together at last

It was bound to happen. WIB can be anywhere, so why not at Speas with TRQ?  Had to do a little research on WIB (thanks BAM), and read a couple recent BB (simple and awful—got it!) then came up with a barely coherent and executed plan:  3 pain...

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trq blockchain technology

YHC went and did the blockchain technology on this day at TRQ. All the PAX circled up for warmup, we did various things on the way back to the rocks then did the blockchain technology all the way around the area – pax carry a rock and the...

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Muskrat Love

In a surprise twist, I was the Q for TRQ this am, and boy, was that fun! Green Acres was kind enough to let me know that I had over committed, so here I was. Dusting off a frequently requested beatdown, I came prepared. Much to our wondering eyes...

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