Patliment Block Beatdown

The Thang Warmorama Mosey to pick up blocks Hold block over head and toy soldier walk 30 yds. Circle Up for Block Work: Curls in cadence to 20 Skull crushers in cadence to 20 20 Whirly Thrusters (aka block swings) OYO Repeat cycle 3 times. On to...

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Fender Counts Slowly

For YHC’s first Parliament Q of the new year it seemed like a good time to pull out some golden oldies from Parliaments past.  But when I pulled up saved P’ment workouts there was way too much material.  How about a pinch of this and...

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Day after CFP Championship

Rain was in the forecast so I had planned on Tabata. However it wasn’t raining at 05:30 so I turned the music on anyway and we warmed up as usual.  Playlist was provided by Spotify and was a One Hit Wonder playlist. SSH, Whirly w/clap, Abe...

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Christmas Eve at #Parliament

The problem with not writing backblasts within a few hours of completing the Q is fully on display right now.  I can’t remember jack crap about who was at this workout and what we did. YHC is pretty sure we did the following: #Gucci style...

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1st of 2020 @ Parliment

After an EC run with 5 pax, 10 in total showed with one new FNG brought out by Buford. Notable in attendance for the ec run and workout was none other thank Katniss! After some warmo rama we proceeded as follows: Line up facing end of parking...

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Parliament 12/17

After learning at VI that Gucci didn’t line up a Q or forgot to add it to the calendar YHC reached out and told him I’d fill in. YHC arrived to a parking lot full of vehicles given the wet conditions. We assembled under the shelter and the music...

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Burpeeless Parliament

After seeing and participating in one of the Monday workouts that appeared to have an overabundance of burpees, YHC felt it appropriate to have a burpeeless workout, so we did. However, YHC didn’t say there would be no shoulder and arm...

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