Block Party at Parliament

8 Pax posted, of which 3 had requested tunes for the playlist this morning. No one complained (about the music), so I assumed all were satisfied. The beatdown was designed to work on strength so the focus was on fatiguing specific muscle groups...

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One Rule Broken-Maybe

What a great morning, cooler temps, dry pavement, low humidity and a light breeze.  A great day for a workout where there are certain rules that must be followed-mainly 2-no running and no Rush.  But the site Q was away so we can break a least...

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Opening up at Parliament

As today’s beatdown took shape in YHC’s mind, it was driven my a playlist.  Several months ago, YHC Q’d a workout at Bells & Whistles, where the playlist contained bands that YHC had seen in concert.  Today’s playlist...

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The Bricker Visits Parliament

Warm-o-Rama: The usual for @Goofy The Thang Grab some bricks – 2 each. Line up across parking lot and then do the following increasing by multiples of 1, then by 2’s then 3’s, then 4’s until across the lot (I think we got to multiple of 7)...

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Speed Work at Parliament

10 pax plus YHC converged in the gloom at #Parliament this morning for what was promised to be an exciting and creative workout. Not really, YHC only promised we would do something, nothing more. So it is hoped that the beat down delivered on...

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Block work at Parliament

Despite for forecast of snow….whatever, 10 hardy Pax came out this Tuesday morning to see what was in store for them.  A quick hello to Jalopy – YHC hears great things about you!  And we were off as follows:   Warm-o-rama SSH...

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At the End of Our Rope

Although stricken with a severe case of being Ordinary, YHC does my humble best to try to come up with something unusual or unique during my Qs.   Yesterday afternoon it occurred to me that a workout centered around pulling a weight via a rope...

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Parliament 6.26.19

YHC arrived right on time, delighted to see a full-ish parking lot (for 0524 at least). I readied my gear: my shoes were still wet from Zima’s IS – but I had a backup pair, my gloves were still damp from Sat – but I had a backup pair, but then I...

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