Sweating with the Oldie

16 Pax for a warm and humid TRQ. Whirly gave me a heads up for an FNG so I recited MS and CP, only to have FNG roll in mid-warmarama. ‘Salgood! Not that we needed warming much, but did some SSH, Imperial Storm Walker Trooper Thingies (yes, nailed...

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TRQ SubstiQ

10 Pax for 45 minutes of old-fashioned physio, Thursday morning at Speas International Elementary School. Q disclosed that he was battling vertigo, and may turn green at any moment. That did not happen until Mary, when Palin was called upon to...

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Near Perfect at TRQ

What do you get when you combine temps in the 50’s, 16 Pax, 2 FNG’s and a Pre-workout Murph – a near perfect F3 morning.  The only thing not close to perfect was a rusty Q who could not get through the F3 preamble with significant...

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Spring has not Sprung

YHC had the privilege of being the Q today at TRQ, the premier non-running Core and Strength workout at Speas on Thursdays. Today’s morning temp was a balmy 41 according to the Audi, so the winter attire, including a toboggan were a good...

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Shoulders and Boulders at TRQ

About 7 of us were gathered at 0529, and by 0530 @Green Acres had arrived via his typical RIRO option and Cherry Pie (!!) had Dukes Of Hazzard’d into the parking lot just in time. Warm O Rama Abe Vigoda’s (0532 – Argyle arrives)...

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No Drama Just Queen

YHC realized I would not be able to keep a Qmittment for Boomerang at TRQ on 5/6.  A trade was made with Turnover and Thursday came up fast this week.  There was an old plan in the back of my mind that some variation had once been used at...

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As Promised, No Burpees at TRQ

The Burpee.  YHC does not get it.  Why?  Some Pax across the Dash seem to like them.  Clearly, some Batflippers in F3 Nation really like them.  Why?  They are stupid and serve no purpose.  At all.  Thus, the only thing promised the Pax in the...

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Old men and fools at TRQ

It was a blustery morning on the plains of Speas Elementary, the April Fools rolled in anyway.  YHC found a place out of the breeze, at least for YHC, and began playing the “fools themed” tunes.  At approximately 0528, the Q...

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The Rock Quarry 3/25/21

Start with standard warmorama fair, including “arm crap” for cherry pie. For some reason I find these to be more fun with CP is present. Mosey across parking lot for dynamic warmup, changing it up at each parking island: high knees...

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Who checks Slack before 5AM?

As the PAX began to arrive in the gloom, a strange sense of a missing Q began to sink in with YHC.  Mongoose also mentioned no preblast from the scheduled Q-Burns. Had YHC mixed up the calendar or had the scheduled Q overslept?? Doubts continued...

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Wanna Be Highland Games

At 5:29 people were already assuming the circle we usually do our Warm A Rama in, and I found out we had a FNG with no gloves.  So I ran to the car and grabbed some because I knew what we were doing that day and no one should grab nearly frozen...

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TRQ 2/25/21

YHC enjoyed an EC 2.26mi run with the WIB boys before arriving at TRQ this AM. TRQ has a special place in my heart as it was where my first F3 post, was my first Q, and is a great workout format and challenge to keep the HR up without running...

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