So this is WIB. Interesting.

Sometimes you get asked to Q at an AO by an outgoing Site Q. You agree and then say to yourself, “Never made it to that AO. Should really post there at least once before the Q,”. You then may end up saying to yourself ,”Holy...

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Looks Like We Made It

The call came from The Singing Cowboy to Q at the best Wednesday workout in the Dash, the only one that has spawned a complete knock off just across the state line in Clemmons.  Of course, YHC jumped at the chance to lead Bells n Whistles.  A...

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“That was Fast”

PAX of 11 joined YHC for a “spirited” version of RNG. Spirited in the sense that the track or trek was sort of FAST! And by fast YHC means that we covered the 3.26miles in “record” time…well maybe not World Record...

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Simple Workout, Simple Backblast

Introduction. How did I blow the chance to have a Pi Day themed workout?  Ugh. Major Q fail. Warm-o-rama. We did some exercises, but nobody was really paying attention and I don’t remember how many we did anyway.  Doesn’t matter. Beatdown. 4...

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