What’s the Point?

BEATDOWN.   OGs: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/5371446511 Tractors: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/5371439401   DONE.   ANNOUNCEMENTS: Zima has the Q at Alcatraz on Saturday Lunch Bunch today at Bailey Park No IS...

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The Redline Before the Rain

Warmarama: Lap around the park.   The Thang: 200m run, 200m recovery, 400m run, 200m recovery, 800m run, 200m recovery. Mosey to Intimidator; run up to Jersey; mosey back to track. Repeato until time. Announcements: GreenNest service is Saturday...

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#2 Ryan Williams

YHC had been absent 2 weeks straight so YHC took the opportunity to lead this morning. The THANG: Warm-Up Lap around the park and stop at the Intimidator Sprint to Carolina Walk to Jersey Sprint to W. 5th St. Walk to W. 4th St. Mosey to...

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A Game of Cards

There was a near-revolt the last time I Q’d Redline because we 1) did hill repeats ONLY and 2) made everyone do merkins after one of our hills. This time I wisened up. The Thang: Warm up clockwise around Hanes Park, stopping at the base of the...

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An Ardmore Jaunt

Facts I’ve learned from running OGs: Winston is hilly Hanes Park is at the bottom of a bowl Hills are unavoidable One time I even designed a route to avoid any major hills and I found a route with a super low elevation…but people complained...

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Various Miles from BBBC

Today we had Harden, Whaler, Bruin and Sour Mash went on a epic adventure for roughly 2.3 miles. Cowboy and 60 were running a little over 5 miles, maybe they had time to run home and back, only they know. DQ & I went on a sight seeing tour...

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Merkins at Redline?!?

I have been waiting for the past THREE times I’ve Qed Redline to borrow a stopwatch and do hill repeats (an idea the track coach at Tabor recommended). Because I’ve refused to buy one, I was finally able to borrow one today from our neighborhood...

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Fa(s)t Kids for OGs & Tractors

My alarm went off this morning and I turned it off, rolled over…then realized with a jolt that I had to be there (UGH…but thanks BooBoo). An even 12 gathered in the gloom for a run that basically took them down Queen and back on Reynolds. When we...

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Short trek at BBBC

Okay….so technically we were all there at 5:15 and technically, we did launch. The route had been posted the night before by the Q, there is proof.   So everyone started extremely slow moseying ( could have been mistaken for walking )...

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