
9 Pax posted in the rain for interval training. Back from a work induced absence, I was back in front of 8 mean, lean running machines eager to start. Rain was not an issue due to the excessive  speed of the runs ( a well documented phenomena...

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Lighting up West Clemmons

Lingering wind from yesterday’s storms greeted 11 pax + YHC that scampered through West Clemmons on one of the three routes offered up. Routes: 5.9 miler (7 pax completed): 4.6 miler...

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400 to 1200 at Redline

An ideal morning to run for the 9 PAX who posted to this morning’s edition of Redline that went down as follows: Warm-up lap around Hanes Park to bottom of Intimidator for instructions as follows: Run 400 around track, Then go out of the...

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RRR Salem Lake Kickoff

The Thang 5 PAX descended upon a very full Linville Lot at Salem Lake this morning at 11byon kick off the month of Run Ranger Run for Team Dash Pax! CoT Prayers for Palins M, 38 weeks pregnant with a cold. Prayers for Burns M, due in April with...

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Better than snow

Twelve hardy Pax didn’t let a little rain keep them from an enjoyable 93 meters of climb (for OGs, 73 meters in the case of Tractors).  Ain’t gonna lie . . . if YHC wasn’t Q, he would’ve ignored his alarm.  Or joined the...

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Living the F3 Credo at #BBBC

The F3 Credo is: Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him. This credo was fully executed at #BBBC this morning. 2 PAX were waiting in their respective vehicles at the launch site for 0530.  At 0530 PAX number 3 rolled in and...

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Tabata at Redline?

Seven Pax did the main workout Qed by YHC while Walter White led El Choppo and Beverly in a track workout that seemed to involve a lot of fast running in distances of 100-400 meters.  They were flying. The rest of us did a warm-up half lap...

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Same route, different day

A total of 10 pax showed up this morning to do 3 to 4 miles around Northeastern Clemmons.  The weather was a touch warmer than usual in the low 40s, and the last pair came in right on time at 0615.  Everyone was safe and healthy at the end of the...

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Hidden Hills of Ardmore

A perfectly-timed lull in the rain awaited the 17ish pax that gathered at Hanes Park for the first Tractors and OGs runs of 2020.  All pax, both Tractors & OGs, were introduced to Walker Street, a sneaky hill running parallel to Hawthorne. ...

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