A great morning for the final OGs/Tractors of 2019 which went down as follows: OGs R Sunset R First R Arbor R Robinhood R Reynolda R West End L Brookstown L Summit R Sixth R Broad R Brookstown L Burke L First R West End FINISH 6.18 MI Tractors R...

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Route for Friday’s BBBC meet at corner of peace haven and Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. Run towards hwy 421 for 22 minutes turn around and come back to start.  No less than 3 miles were covered and no more than 6. TMN got started late and had a certain...

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Running in a Winter Rain Storm

YHC was not sure what to make off all the winter weather coming our way. So a quick message to Balco to see if we were still on was met with yes, but don’t expect to many Pax. Also, YHC posted to make sure the Q debt was paid. YHC also made...

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Up & Down Runneymede

11 Pax entered the gloom and posted to Hanes Park for this edition of Redline. YHC is training for the Frosty 25k and has been on a steady diet of hill work on speed days to build up strength.  YHC arrived just before 05:25 to an empty parking...

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Chutes and Ladders

A solid group of pax gathered to run the neighborhoods around Clemmons Presbyterian Church on this cool morning. The Thang: Prepared routes were: 3.1 miles: https://mapmyrun.com/routes/view/2765007331 4.2 miles...

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Tractors & OG’s

16 Pax had a fun run through West End, Ardmore, and Buena Vista. Moleskin ~YHC enjoyed the opportunity to run with Juicebox. He and Resistor (crickets) are planning to do the Pilot Mt. Goat on December 21. ~Sac, Palin, and Turnover were cruising...

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Tractors/OG 11/22/19

27 PAX made it out for the beautiful weather to enjoy the tour of Arbor road. 0 compliments were received prior to the run, one received during the run, and several offered after the run was finished. YHC did not count complaints. Routes below...

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Jogging Around Eastern Clemmons

4 pax got together on October 25th for the 3.5 mile route from River Oaks, out towards Habit Burger, and unfortunately making a turn back down Knob Hill, an back over the hills and through the woods again to River Oaks.  All enjoyed solid times...

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