BBBC PB for 09/27/2019

Join YHC this Friday for the first BBBC of the fall. Launch is from the upper lot of the Jerry Long YMCA.  That’s the lot nearest to Peacehaven.   We will cover hallowed ground. Two options, one just under 3.5 miles:  ...

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Embracing the Climb

21 Pax jumped out of bed eagerly anticipating the OGs and Tractors routes.  The 50 degree temperatures greeted us like an old friend.  Pilot View kneed us in the groin like an old nuisance. The Thang: OGs: Up West End to left on Glade, left on...

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BBBC on Friday the 13th!

2 PAX (Katniss and YHC) launched from ROCC for the 3.5 mile route at 0515 and hooked up with Gucci shortly after we made our first turn as he was running up to meet us.  Turns out Gucci lives on the corner of the road for our second turn.  YHC...

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One hill, many circles

Mild weather greeted the 7 pax that joined YHC in the gloom to rev their engines. The Thang: One lap around at mosey pace, one lap with high knees on first straightaway, carioca on the backside straightaway. Mosey to bottom of Pilot View.  Run up...

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Redline Clover Brookstown

9 pax met this morning and we used Clover and Brookstown and the track in alternating orders for hills and track work at Redline.  I felt honored to be a part of the group and lead.  (I was definitely bringing up the rear). Prayed for Keith and...

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Just run and be back by 0615

There was a little route confusion among some of the 20 – 50 pax who launched from Hanes Park this fine-ish morning.  Do we start up 1st?  Do we go up Buena Vista?  Do we forego Red Eye’s painstakingly planned routes and just do one of...

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BBBC Back to Double Digits

It was a typical early August morning in many ways just like last Friday in The Village except today 10 pax showed up to run or walk routes that were familiar to most.  These were a repeat of last week’s routes when only the Brothers Perry...

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