Redline Special Addition

September is National Suicide Prevention Month (CDC). Some of you know that YHC’s 17-year-old happy-go-lucky nephew died on Sept 5, 2021, from suicide. It was the darkest day of YHC family’s life and we have been fighting for light...

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Redline is the WORST

I hate Redline. I confessed as much to Hitman and Manscape, who were kind enough to let me complain without giving me too much of a hard time. However, I’ve noticed a trend at Redline: the majority of the guys run fast – like, really fast...

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Searching For Mash

  Singing Cowboy is doing a great job as site-Q while away. He reached out to YHC at the beginning of the week and asked if I was good to Q. Then said thank you afterward!!   Warm-o-rama  None   The Thang 10 PAX ran various...

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Loop the Loop

Around 9:30 last night at a party for Sgt. Schultz’s son Milkman (who is getting married tonight!), I was talking with a group of people that included Bernie & Double D and mentioned I was Qing in the morning. Then it hit me: “Wait…I’m...

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Discover Your RedLine

The alarm went off.  YHC hit ‘snooze’ and heard the ‘M’ mumble something in her sleep.  Fearing that is was something like “if that goes off again, I’m going to shove it up your…” YHC put on my glasses, turned off the alarm and looked up at the...

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This is why we do this

Running workouts don’t need much of a backblast, and BBBC is probably the easiest Q out there. But this week at Big Boys Breakfast Club just hit different. So, this is really all moleskin but I wanted to document: Nothing special, really...

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Metaverse has Fallen

8 PAX arrived for a substitute-Q because the Metaverse was down and Zuckerberg was called up for the rescue. YHC thinks Zuck was visiting the Hanes Park virtual parcel. The Thang:  Hanes Park warm up lap Reverse Hanes Park lap with intervals...

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Rust free zone at BBBC

It was a cool and damp morning on the plains of Clemmons.  There were rumblings leading up to this gathering, “Who is this ‘furiner’ invading our space?” “We don’t need no big city, city slicker to show us how...

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Improv Redline

13 fearless PAX ventured to Hanes Park for an Improv Redline by YHC. The Thang:  Hanes Park warm up lapWarm-up lap around Hanes Park Zuckerberg  track lap (high knees, butt-kickers, side shuffle in, side shuffle out, mosey) 4 x 400 w/200 recovery...

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