Track Series

9 PAX came out to Red Line today and learned about the importance of a steady cadence. 1 lap around the park to warm up 6 one min intervals to count your cadence and get it established Then 400m the remainder of the AO to get a good base on...

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Pre-Blast for #BBBC 3/1/19

#BBBC routes for 3/1/19 2.1 miles – 3.1 miles – 4.33 miles – Launch from NH Clemmons...

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Red Line 02.19.19

PAX: Greenspan, Winklevoss, Zuckerberg, Boo Boo, Mr. Hand, Hazer, Hitman, Sac, Zima, Balco, Glazer, Lil’ Piggy, Chomper, Manscape 14 PAX launched from the Hanes Park parking lot on a brisk morning to take on the latest edition of Red Line...

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Redline Tied Up Like a Bow

PAX: Valdez, Winklevoss, Zima, Burlap, Manscape, Boo Boo. Hitman, (Peacemaker)   8 PAX met in the lot on a balmy wet morning for some redlining.  YHC was in the lot alone for a little while and was concerned that the mid 30 degree temps...

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Being (and Smelling) the Bacon

Nothing special was planned for the special twenty-six pax who posted to the weekly Hanes Park Running Party, just a gentle jaunt around West End and Buena (‘Boona’) Vista with a flyby of Graylyn for the OGs (Tractors were spared the...

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BBBC 2/8/2019

Warm weather welcomed the 8 PAX going to the right place on this Friday morning. MC had started before the run even began because Styers Ferry was viewed as I-40, but the PAX found out that it wasn’t much worse than any other area...

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Solidarity with Sourmash

15 pax assembled at Hanes Park in the gloom this morning with one goal in mind- to prove that following directions between 5:30-6:15 AM is impossible, to wit: WARMORAMA One lap around the track. Skip ~ 50 meters High knees ~ 50 meters Toy...

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Warming Up The Track

Warming Up The Track QIC: Chomper Pax: Manscape (WD), Zuckerberg, Winklevoss, Sac, Balco, Peacemaker, Plunger, Hitman, Valdeze, Chomper YHC was excited to have the opportunity to Q Redline on Tuesday, January 22. Since the temperatures started at...

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