BBBC – 02.24.23

10 Big Boys ordered various running distances with a side of wonderful weather for breakfast at #BBBC Friday morning!!   The Thang YHC and Cowboy ran 5.5 miles which is a slight modification of the post 6 miler...

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Tractors Was Harder

A bunch of guys drove somewhere to run. My audiobook was entertaining. OGs:  Tractors:   Zima Out.

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10 Pax ventured to the West End neighborhood to improve their speed at the historic Hanes Park (c.1919) track. Actually, for YHC it was less about speed improvement and more about seeing the other guys in the gloom as well as having healthy...

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9 pax took a 3+ mile run and then did a few rounds of Tabata on Monday, 8/15/2022 at Run & Gun.  It was fun. Objectives going into determining the AO and route included: Relatively flat route Minimal turns route Shelters at launch area (in...

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OGs and Tractors

15 strong including FNG Squeegee who finally got off the toilet long enough to join Doublewide for a run. Great job by all on a very humid morning with no wind.  Special prayers for Undertow overcoming Covid and MRSA.

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OGs Tractors

One more try OGs and Tractors for this Friday. OG’s turnaround at Reynolda House     Don’t blame me, I only work here OG’s route Tractors...

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Classic Redline

Six pax enjoyed a classic redline at the beautiful and muggy Hanes Park logging slightly more than 4 miles. Warm-o-rama. Obligatory clockwise lap around Hanes Park to see how the legs will be feeling for the morning cruise around the track...

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Emotional Redline

Trying to change things up, the Q decided have the pax reach a different #Redline today.  We often hit our cardio redline (YHC more than others), but what really is needed is to push our emotional redline to make us stronger.  Even in the face of...

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