Redline – 6/14/22

Warmrama: Typical clockwise lap around the park. The Thang: 400m with 200m recovery x 2 1200m with 400m recovery x 1 Repeat until time. Announcements: The Shmed 5k and FunRun, August 28th.  All proceeds to benefit Crisis Control.  Sign up at...

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Does the Monkey Come with the Pox?

WARMARAMA. Slow lap around the track   THE BEATDOWN.   Repeat 5x: Sprint 50m.  Recover 50m.  Rest 30 secs. Recover 300m. Repeat 10x: Sprint 100m.  Rest 60 secs. Recover 400m.  Rest 60 secs. Repeat 2x: Sprint 400m.  Rest 60 secs. Recover...

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Early Morning Smells

Damp and ideal temperatures awaited the valorous pax who conquered the Tractors and OGs routes this morning.  Tractors pax were not pleased with the comparable elevation challenge they faced when looking at the OGs route.  There was a healthy...

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Pleiades Mythology

YHC received the keys to Redline late Monday evening via the surly Mongoose who is nursing an achilles injury (get better soon).  There was little time for track creativity so YHC let his mind drift to the seven little hills rising away from...

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Hill Yeah

Weather: Warm, damp, windy, humid Routes: OGs Tractors Hills: Hilly Company: Excellent Spicoli: Encouraging. YHC enjoyed running with Palin & Greenspan until Palin took off for the last 1.5 miles. Then I only enjoyed running with Greenspan...

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BBBC 1.7

Weather: Cold. Clear. Location: Jamison Park Route: Run the greenway as much/little as you want Result: H.O.G. did a 5+mile prerun, then joined YHC for 4.5 on the greenway. Schneider & TSC did 3.5 on the greenway. Zima did something, then...

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Redline Rules Again

25 Degrees is nothing to the Redline crowd. We warmed up up Clover then did Mile repeats with 400 Moseys to rest. 2022 is off to a great start ! Please remember Beverly’s  44 mile RUN FOR HOPE on 1/15 at Kimberly Park. join him for all 44...

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A Chilly Clear Redline

8 Pax ventured to the Hanes Park AO for a Redline adventure this chilly Noviembre. Warmarama: The normal warm-up lap around the HP AO. The Thang:  Pax Complete a fast 400M lap on the HP track. Pax mosey/walk from track to the bottom of the...

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Run 4 you

4 pax went on a 5+ mile run and  made it back safely   CoT well this was a walking CoT because Greenspan had to plant a tree.    prayer VG M strength for difficult time she is going through.   Greenspan had a long list he said, but to...

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