Loops and Branches at Redline

Beautiful morning for running.  YHC is tapering for a race to I wanted to avoid sprints and steep hills so we moseyed counter-clockwise around the park to Runnymede. Run up left side of Runnymede then R on Springdale and back the other side. ...

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Redline (Wet and Cold)

Perfect weather for Redline. It was raining, it was cold, it was Redline. I continue to be amazed that men post when the weather is so crappy. Promise them a horrible workout and they will come (unless it involves burpees and bricks). The Thang...

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Tempo 12s at Redline 3.9.21

  I was the only car in the parking lot at 0525 which made me start to dream of returns to the sweet sweet fartsack, but those dreams were dashed as Suede, Velvet, Bed Bug, Valdez, and Palin pulled into the lot in quick succession. Mongoose...

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The Hills have Ayes

Redline. It seems like a simple concept. Push yourself a little bit to try and improve your performance. Many of the Redline workouts YHC has attended have been largely done on the track. YHC gets crushed during these workouts and is often passed...

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Almost Miserable Redline

YHC was the first to arrive to the lot in the pouring 37 degree rain. Part of me was hoping everyone else fartsacked so that I could go home. (Un)fortunately, Mongoose soon arrived and shortly followed by Wink and Resistor so I begrudgedly got...

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Target Practice

Three were gathered in the gloom, prepared to go it alone, when Manscape and Beverly rolled in. Warmarama: Abe Vigodas while we waited for Beverly.  It was the only time all morning that we waited upon the man. We moseyed to the track, took a one...

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Learning to Make Left Turns

The temperature was 36 degrees.  The skies were clear.  7 PAX gathered at Hanes Park to hit their Redlines! Why do I usually avoid the track?  Is it because I am like Derek Zoolander and “Can’t Turn Left.”  Or do I have two left...

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6 posted The preblast was sent exclusively through Slack, as I attempt to wean myself from Twitter; some may have missed it ! A foggy morning led the hard core Redliners to some off track work We, of course, warmed up by running to Runnymede then...

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