Spook Trail

Thanks to the 18 Pax who made the Spook Trail a successful morning at OG’s & Tractors. The rollings hills and lengthy flat stretches of Ardmore were a nice way to begin the morning. NMM Arrived to a pitch dark Hanes Park due to the...

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It’s all Uphill from Here

The Pax were treated to a good dose of hills this morning. YHC meant to draw out a flat route but ended up with 400+ elevation instead. The route took the Pax through Hawthorne, Academy, Broad Street, and a hidden gem in Shuman hill. The...

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The Miracle at OGs/Tractors

The above 70 degrees temps made a liar out of the Q, who had promised cooler temps to those who came out. Nonetheless, the 29erso pax in attendance were treated to several novelties and an apparent miracle this morning. Novelty #1 – after...

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OG’s and Tractors – 8.14.20

A hoard of 31 #HIM’s descended upon Hanes Park this morning for what can only be described as a miserable, swampy, oppressive mess of a run. YHC was eager to hear feedback from the PAX as this was my first Q at a Running Only AO.  Everyone...

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First Day Back with the PAX.

YHC has been running solo for the past few months but was happy to rejoin the PAX this morning. Thanks to Balco for the encouragement to get back out and for the keys to OGs/Tractors for the day. The encouragement, accountability, and sense of...

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Welcome (sorta) to Muggy Summer

It was a muggy, feels-like-summer-is-officially-here, kind of morning, but 17 fine Pax sans the Q crushed the OG and tractor routes.  IF was kind enough to run the COT as YHC went on the IR earlier this week with a bum knee and back.  Word on the...

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