If I Could Turn Back Time

13 PAX gathered at Leinbach Park to run a 5k and do about 15 minutes of Tabata. HOG took an early spill, but recovered well.  PAX went up and down, but mostly up.  #QFail Exercises were Imperial Squat Walkers and Mountain Climbers, American...

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Late breaking news at IS

YHC and my 2.0, #ChitChat, Co-Q’ed the original mothership #ImpossibleSituation.  About 2 minutes out from the AO, YHC had a “shift” in his circumstances.  Late breaking news, if you will.  Concerned but determined, we soldiered...

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Downtown Tour at Flatline

Ten pax showed up under ideal conditions in the gloom for a non-stop, old school, Flatline beatdown and were not disappointed.  Here is how the workout went: Run south on Cherry, west on 1st, north on Marshall back to start for some SSHs.   (All...

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Loaded Dice @ Parliament 10.26.21

YHC took my talents westward to get crazy with some blocks and attempt to deliver a pre-World Series beatdown worthy of the fine PAX that reside on the wrong side of Jonestown Rd. 6 sets of exercises were formed, dice were located, and a workout...

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Diversified Ethereum

Diversified Ethereum

Substi-Q this fine morning and without time to make a new Q decided to bring Ethereum to Parliament and try something a little different. None of the PAX had experienced it yet which was great. Ethereum is up about 50% since March. Warm up SSH...

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Don’t Pop a Quad

This bb is being written almost 2 weeks after the actual event thanks to a busy schedule and a week of vacation so some recollections may not be exact.  And with an upcoming Q tomorrow morning YHC will have to compose another one sometime in the...

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Warmup:  SSH,Copper head squats, Hillbillies, Arm swhirly  F, hold, B, hold Overhead claps, hold, Seal claps, standing hamstring stretch, groin stretch, bent leg body twist. The Thing: Toy soldiers and lunge walk to gym wall for wall sit with...

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Return of the Big Bang

Usual Warm-O-Rama, Green Acres warned us about some dicey Mexican he had over the weekend at a birthday party. All moved 3 paces away. Mosey over to the playground to start with a Dora with the partner running a lap around the tack. We noticed a...

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2,4,6,8 Who Do We Appreciate

10 PAX shook off the fartsack, fog, and humidity to get better at Redline this am. Warmup: Run a lap around the YMCA (Sunset, Glade, West End) The Thang: -200m run (200m recovery); 400m (200m recovery); 600m (200m recovery); 800m (200m recovery)...

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Where did the tables go?

A few weeks ago the PAX placed several pavers under the legs of the tables on the campus of Sherwood Elementary.  YHC thought it might be a good idea to check on they looked, so that was part of the plan.  Much to my surprise many of the tables...

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Total Request Live at Parliament

16 pax chose WeFoCo today.  5 pax went for a run. 11 Pax stuck around for some #TotalRequestLive at Parliament. Warm-o-Rama – the usual fare for @Goofy The Thang Grab a block and circle up. The idea was to repeat three different exercises...

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