The Stuff of Legends

PAX: Shneider, Tweety Bird, Woebegon, Turnover, Root Canal, Shneider, Tweety Bird, Turnover Woebegon, Root Canal. Double attendance credit for the crappy, but safe from slick roads. weather. Let’s say it, this morning was a stinker. Nothing...

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Making it Up

YHC and Greenspan took a lap around Hanes Park prior to the workout to checkout the weather conditions and the slickness of the AO. After the lap, the consensus was: it was cold, rainy, but not icy. YHC had told Greenspan that the plan was not to...

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A Very Safe Urban Assault

Great to see these two HIMs out on a rainy Friday morning in the big city.  Conversation was great and we got in lots of work.  We quickly moseyed to the Deck and after a proper stretch, we played the Alphabet game. We ran around the block in...

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Turkey Tour

The Warm-Up Abe Vigoda Whirly Yoga Stretches The Thang Mosey to opening of Reynolda Village 10 Merkins, 25 Squats, 50 LBC Mosey to Reynolda Church Parking Lot 10 Ranger Merkins, 25 Lunges, 50 Dying Cockroaches Mosey to Summit Ball field 10 Wide...

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The Die won’t Die

YHC had other plans that incorporated lots of block pushing and pain.  Unfortunately, YHC failed to check the weather the night before and didn’t realize we’d need a boat to get to the shelter.  Also, the blocks were suspiciously...

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6 posted The preblast was sent exclusively through Slack, as I attempt to wean myself from Twitter; some may have missed it ! A foggy morning led the hard core Redliners to some off track work We, of course, warmed up by running to Runnymede then...

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A Foggy Morning at the Estate

Warm up Mosey to Reynolda House 10 Burpees Mosey to fish pond at Reynolda Gardens High Plank while each pax does 10 Merkins Low Plank while each pax does 10 Nolan Ryans Left Hand Low Squat while each pax does 10 Nolan Ryans Right Hand High Plank...

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