Death by Die?

Sometimes life will work in your favor and give you a break, but usually it just kicks you in the teeth.  From there you either face the crap and become better or run away.  I’m proud to say, even though there was lots of mumble chatter...

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Urban Assault 10.02.2020

Pax: Lamb Chop, Root Canal, Red Pill, Turnover, Posthole, Cheesesteak, Tigger, Burns (QIC) Great to see the UA regulars out this morning. Missed having @Drip, @TruckStop, @RedBaron, among others. Fantastic AO, always good 2nd F throughout the...

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Who wants some Pez?

Started our with a little unorthodox warmarama for Redline.  Then we went on the traditional mile+ run around Hanes. Came back for a impromptu Namarama so everyone knew each other’s name.  And now since there were no strangers, candy was handed...

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Random Adventures @ Flatiline

YHC really did not know what to do this morning, so the Pax were treated to a random adventure from the Q that was challenging but also produced quite a fare rate of Mumble Chatter. The Warm-Up This is Flatline- No Warmup The Thang 5:30 Mosey to...

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A Rainey Friday at Urban Assault

Sprint to the parking Deck Stretch and Warm up EMOM for 10 Minutes 5 Pull ups/10 Plank jacks/10 Jump Squats 25 DC Low Flutters with arms extended past your head 3 Burpees Run to top this ramp of Parking Deck Do Exercise #1, Run Back 25 DC Low...

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Distillery Warm up: SSH, IST, Abe Vagoda, Whirly w/clap, Arm Swirly F/B, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, Standing Hamstring Stretch Left over Right and Right over Left for a 10 count. Mosey to shelter behind school. The old still site. Grab bricks. The...

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The 21st Morn of September

A cool morning greeted the pax on the official last day of summer.  With the Y now open and parking condensed, the pax gathered in tighter confines than the old days of parking by the basketball goal.  Weekend football and lack thereof (and lack...

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Man VS. Childhood

Today YHC decided to take on the Presidential Candidates and Himself in the good Ole Fashion physical fitness challenge. YHC is certain that we all had to at one point go through the Physical Fitness challenge in high school. The Q was not really...

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4 WeFoCo regulars. 1 pax had to be coerced into showing up. 1 pax showed up in flip flops. 1 pax texted and said he would be late. 1 pax was having stomach pains and decided a run was not in the best interest. 2 decided to stretch for 5 minutes...

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