Coffee if 3 or less?

YHC has not Q’ed at The Distillery since the early spring, so was good to be there again even in the rain. Helps there is a shelter! 4 PAX made it out and were also pleased that we had a shelter. There was some discussion of how few PAX...

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Routes for BBBC. If it’s a wash out no worries,we’ll Tabata under the shelter. Meet at TheDistillery AO, Clemmons First Baptist Church. 3 5

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Tour de Downtown at Flatline

YHC stepped outside this morning to find quite the surprisingly refreshing morning. Having not been a frequent poster at Flatline, YHC relied on previous backblasts to give some ideas of what to do, where to go, where not to go, etc. YHC used to...

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What does HC really mean??

Sourmash tweeted on Sunday evening to encourage an HC for VI this AM. Not sure how many HC’s there were but 9 PAX gathered for the fun this AM in a new launch area as the Y continues to get back to a more normal schedule. The mission...

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A Whole New World

It was an early morning for the Q as he was tricked into travelling to the other side of Winston for the Q at Mayhem. Despite the 27 minute commute (how do people live so far away?!), I made it in time to make sure that whoever showed up would...

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No Chairs for the Pax

The Pax were met right away at 7am with a mosey to the Bus Alley, which the Pax hated and despised. The Q is always tired of almost getting hit in parking lots but the Pax apparently like to get hit by cars according to there yelling and...

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IPC Week 1 Downtown Edition 9.2.2020

PAX: Wobegon, Sassy, Greenspan, Palin, Spicoli, Whirlpool, Root Canal, H.O.G., Turnover, Burns Where: The Coal Pit outside Incendiary – YHC intended to use the grass at Bailey Park but it seems as though it rained overnight AND the city turned...

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