Reps and Laps at The Outhouse

WARM-O-RAMA Side Straddle Hops Walkers Whirly and His Claps Bat Wings Calf Stretch One lap around the track. THE THANG 10 of each of the coupled exercises, OYO. When all are done we take 2 laps around the track Swings, LBC Curls, Heels Skulls...

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Creativity Abound at Redline

YHC, not exactly known for creativity and ingenuity where Redline workouts are concerned, led the PAX through a familiar workout this AM. The workout consisted of half hills & half track work to prevent full on misery from being stuck in the...

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An Assault on Bailey Park

Warm Up Mosey to Med School 10 min of HIIT:45 sec work, 15 Sec Rest High Knees, High Plank/Low Plank, Merkin to Squat, WWII, Squat Jump, Side Plank (switch sides in 20 sec) Iron Mikes, SSH, Groiners, Burpees Mosey to Coal Pit and Partner Up Holds...

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Free Range Chicken???

4 PAX plus the Q showed up to Parliament to see try and start the day off right.  The humidity was lower in clemmons (as promised in the tweet) and the pax seemed ready to go.  So at 530 on the dot (although the Asterias rubens in the group who...

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The Toot Swap

It was a hot sweaty morning where 8 eager PAX gathered for a classic Root Canal beat down. Little did they know that Dr. Toot had skipped town and handed the keys to his young protege. At the anointed time, Lamb Chop announced that the Toot beat...

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So Many Vowels

Warm Up Mosey to Lower Lot.  Taking the long way Use Alphabet chart to spell out each Pax name. Vowels=10 Burpees. B. 40 LBC, C. 30 Squats, D. 15 Absolutions F. 40 SSH G. 10 Dive Bombers, H. 10 Groiners J. 30 High Knees K 10 Merkins, L 20 Alt...

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Impossible Ladders

Small crew for a brutal workout. Warm Up 20 SSH 10 Arm Circle Forward 10 Arm Circle Backward 10 Abe Vigoda 15 Whirly Mosey to the track and take a lap   The Thang Mosey to the pull up bars and commence ladder work. 1 Pull Up, 1 Burpee, 9 Lt...

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Tax Day

With July 15th as the official extended tax filing deadline, moved from the traditional April 15th deadline due to the COVID, YHC felt it necessary to have a tax day theme as we all love paying taxes!! YHC arrived early to see that Posthole had...

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Manly Men Again

The men today found out the old Moravian tradition of how they became a man in the olden times. So the Pax moseyed immediately to Manly St. In the old days they had to run straight up Manly Street in under 15 seconds to become a man. I’m sure...

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Voter Fraud

Rummaging around the garage this weekend, YHC came across two giant weinkes.  Having not yet developed a plan for this morning’s edition of #VillageIdiocy, YHC decided to poll the pax via Twitter and let them decide between #TheEscalator...

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Sweatin’ to the Oldies

7 PAX showed up on a muggy, humid morning to participate in the latest edition of The Outhouse that went down as follows: WARM-O-RAMA SSH IC IST IC ABE VIGODAS IC MICHAEL PHELPS IC Run a lap around the tennis court Followed by 5 Pain Stations set...

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Kids Games

Earlier this week……. Zima – “hey huck, will you be staying close to the playground at Charlie foxtrot on Saturday” YHC – “Not sure.  Haven’t planned it yet.  Why?” Zima – “I have the boys and was thinking about coming out as long as I could keep...

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