Soooo…where are the obstacles?

We gathered in the early morning hours awaiting the Q’s orders and a few wondering if they actually needed cleats.  The Q promised to those who brought the cleats, they would be thankful for them. Did some warm-a-rama in the parking lot and...

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Phase 1 : Reopen OG/Tractors

15 posted to the official reopening of OGs and Tractors. We were met with pleasant temperatures and a beautiful sunrise this morning as we strolled through Buena Vista on a relatively flat course. It was good to see all the familiar faces. We...

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Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

10 Pax ascended onto the base of the biggest Mountain ever in Lewisville. After Qing BBBC a couple times and getting reprimanded for having in just outside the lines of WeFoCo. YHC brought the launch point back into boundaries that were...

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Jumpin’ Back Into F3

6 Pax joined the Q this morning to help get themselves back into shape. The Q this morning was told that he was uncreative and unimaginative by many pax. They apparently did not like that the Q did not make them run as much but the Q made sure...

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Tour of Parliament

Today was a good day, with the boys of F3 getting back together for the first Parliament workout since early March.  Social distance was maintained, as the group evened out at an exact 10….meeting all State and official Dash guidelines. The...

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“I’m Back”

First, I want to thank all those who waited patiently for F3 to resume!   It was great being back out with the guys. The Q led off with the typical SSHs…would you expect less?  Then I asked the Site Q to lead Arm Swirly Things while I READ...

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We Are Back…Barely

5 pax made it to the reopening of the Estate. YHC, who was the Q also, barely made it. The alarm or phone for some reason did not charge and died last night. Luckily for the Q the ole internal clock was ready to wake up just in time to make it...

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Q Source Preblast

It was fun to be able to discuss and interact with a few of the Pax over leadership and what F3 has meant to them. It is amazing how F3 is more than just working out and getting in shape. As YHC has been reading and listening to multiple...

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Q Source Information

YHC is excited to begin our journey through the Q Source. The Pax will be meeting at 8:30am on Saturdays until the Quarantine is over and the Pax can meet at the Peacehaven Chik-Fil-A. Information: Meeting ID: 710 2823 3174 Password: dashpax...

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TRQ 04.30.20 (Preblast)

Warm-up exercises of your own choosing You will need a rock, kettle bell, or dumbbell for the following. Run two tenths of a mile between sets and repeat sets for 45 minutes. Set 1 20 CURLS (10 EACH ARM) 20 PLANK JACKS (DBL COUNT) 20 KETTLE BELL...

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