Combine at Purgatory

PAX: Bevo, Parke’, Burlap, High Cotton, Offsides, TPS, Ziggy Stardust, Starfish, Lysol Boomerang, Greenacres, Pony Express, Hoptoberfest, D-Day On this morn, we decided to run the Combine! With the Q setting up 12 stations, the PAX...

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No Honeymoon at Urban Assault

Last week $5 Dollar Foot Long let us know that he was getting married this weekend. YHC had high hopes for a bachelor party Q that would be talked about for ages. While we did some questionable things the Q turned out more like a wedding day Q...

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What an amazing morning and an even greater group of men! 11 PAX made their first brave decision of the day and that was to follow me into this workout. There was a track and MATH involved. PAX – Spicoli, Mutton, Treggor, Burlap, Razzie...

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Warm up: All IC. SSH, Arm swirly forward/backwards, Overhead claps, Whirly w/clap, Abe vagoda, standing leg stretches, groin stretch. The Thang:  walk to benches for 15 R leg step ups, 15 Irkins, 15 L leg step ups, repeat but Ony do 10 of each...

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Camel City Craft Crawl Pre-Blast

Do you like to Run? Do you like beer? Do you think it might be fun to check out the local breweries, hang with your friends, and get a run in? Well, YHC has an event for you.  YHC and a few ladies from FiA have planned a brewery run being billed...

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#TheBenjamin #4

#THEBENJAMIN: ROUND 4   #TheBenjamin year 3 will complete today.  Round 4 starts tomorrow on September 15th.  Message me if you’ve completed year 3. Status Update/The Deck: Thus far 3 pax have completed #TheBenjamin.  Closer (2017)...

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Friday the 13th @ Urban Assault

Warm up. SSH, Arm Swirley Things forward and backwards, Imperial Storm Trooper Powerskip to bottom of hill A little Broga* with some merkins/planks mixed in for good luck.  (* Nomenclature borrowed from the Bearded Millennial, Burns) Bear Crawl...

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Circus or Circuits

YHC was trying to figure out how to stand up this morning after a 100 burpee beatdown and the Climb to Remember Event yesterday. So, the workout needed to be tough, but not killer. YHC was glad that two of the three other Pax were in a similar...

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the warm up

I was originally scheduled to Q Mayhem today but when the “climb to remember” was posted by our Spamtan I knew this was something that I wanted to complete.  Always honored to lead any of the dash PAX, I still wanted to Q.  So after...

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Running late

During the first weekend of football, I was charged with creating a workout for the strong VI crowd.  This is not my normal Monday posting spot but I see the “selfie” photo every week and knew I had to come up with something special...

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