IronPax Contenders at Mayhem

8.28.2019 Week 0 of the IronPax Challenge Scroll to the bottom to see instructions for registering & posting scores. Or be a gent and read my whole backblast PAX: Splash, Wobegon, Plunger, D-Day, Radar, Private Bookworm (WB), Greenspan...

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Repeato at Parliament

9 Pax posted to #Parliament for a decent playlist and a loosely planned workout. The workout went something like this: Warm-o-rama: The usual for Goofy The Thang Wall Work and Other Stuff • Wall Sits with Jack Reachers, IC • Balls2Wall with...

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Behold, thy new site Q

Four score and seven years ago our forefathers came to this country and one of the first things they did was establish site Qs at Plymouth and Jamestown. So Tuesday morning we celebrated the idea of another brave pax taking the reins as site Q of...

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Carrying Water at Mayhem

Warm up/Stretch.  10 Burpees Mosey to Parking lot near Playground Partner Up. A. Pull ups x 5 B. Plank Jack FlapJack and repeat 4 times Mosey to School Entrance under Shelter Plankarama: (Plank, Low Plank (10 count), Tempo Forward Plank, Nolan...

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Back to School with BBB(C)C

9 PAX cut through the gloom with an extra side of humidity to join for BBB(C)C with multiple modes of transportation used. Instead of YHC struggling to find a “new” route in #WeFoCo, why not just use one of the numerous other...

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Simple Workout

20 Pax came out to simple workout by YHC’s first Q at Purgatory. YHC was a fill in last minute Q for Spam. Warm- Up SSH Toy Soldier Abe Vigoda Windmill Reverse Windmill Scorpion low squat hold The Thang Mosey to Pool Deck Do 40 of each exercise...

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10-5- Touchdown

Today’s Q by YHC did not go the way, he thought it would. Basically Q Fail on how far everything was from the AO to Wake Forest. So, the 8 Pax signed up for an Amazon type tour of Wake Forest’s Campus looking for the elusive Poteat...

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Keep it simple.

It’s been a while since Redline took to the hills. YHC stepped in to rectify and make sure the PAX wasn’t getting too comfortable on flat land. We kept things simple. Painful. But simple. Warm-o-rama: 2x laps on the track 6x 50m calisthenics...

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