BNW-no snow

The last time Q’ed at BNW it was a VQ, hopefully it was improved-at the least the weather was! It went something like this Gucci squat 15 Arm swirlies Forward X 10 Arm swirlies backward X 10 1/2 lap, stop SSH X 15 Whirlies X 15 Storm...

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McDonald’s and F3?

Welcome back Ziggy after a ~4 month break while spending a few months in DC. We started warm-ups at 0530. SSHs, ISTs, Arm circle things and a few plank jacks. Then we group moseyed to the pool area for dips, steps-up, box jumps, irkins and...

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False Empowerment at Redline

YHC brought to today’s workout a Winky with 10 activities. Different PAX were asked to select a number, leading to said activities. None of said activities were enjoyable. The use of today’s Winky sparked debate in regard to YHC’s mental capacity...

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Bunch of Millenials at Flatline

On a cool, crisp May morning, pax gathered for some fun.  As the Q tries to fulfill the vision of the Flatline creator, Beverly, by keeping the pax in constant motion for 45 minutes – no 10 counts, no standing around, but also keep the...

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The Ultimate

Thanks to Blue Steel, Greenspan, Mutton, Spackler, Lamb Chop, Drip, Cherry Pie, Litter Box, HOG, Cheese Steak and two FNGs (Brad= “On Our Way” and Rob= “Tar Heel”), we had a great game of Ultimate Frisbee with a few...

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Estate 5.13 Double DORA

PAX: Huckleberry, Touch-Me-Not, Offsides, Cheesesteak, Wobegon, Balco, Snooki, Chisel, Jar Jar, Razzy, Zima, Burns (QIC) A last minute call for a substiQ led to me trying to devise a way to pay Huckleberry back for what he did at the WIB helm on...

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Ballin at Charlie Foxtrot

When developing a plan for Saturday’s Charlie FoxTrot YHC decided it didn’t make sense for us to always come together for a bone crushing workout. YHC just wanted to have fun while keeping our cardio levels up and movement at a constant high...

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