Gettin’ warm without the warm-up

#Flatline started with a mosey to the street below the parking garage for a MINI-ZIMA which was made up of running to the lightposts for burpies – 10 then 8 at the second, 6 at the 3rdetc running home each time for WWII situps x 10 or LBC x 20...

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SubstiQ at Parliament

Warm O Rama: SSH, steve Earls, Whirly with a clap, Abe Vigoda, Arm Swirly forward and backwards, Seal Claps.  Mosey to wall Wall sit and perform Jack Reachers IC X 20, Mike Tysons OYO X 10, Rebound Drill OYO X 10, Fast Feet IC X 20, Donkey Kicks...

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March Madness at The Outhouse

Warm-o-Rama:  The usual for Goofy Mosey to Tennis courts March Madness Suicide after each exercise 64 SSH 32 Merkins 16 Box Cutters 8 Squat Jumps 4 Clap Merkins 2 WW2 sit ups 1  Turkish Get Up Burpees until 6 is up to celebrate  Strength Work at...

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The power of 3

YHC was given the reins again at the Premier Wednesday Morning Boot Camp.  Hmmm….What should I do? Come up with a creative but overly intricate beat down a la Zima? No…execution is everything in a Q and I probably would have to make a...

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Feels Like the Very First Time

Warm-o-rama.   Snooki HR Burpees x 5 OYO (specially formulated for Offsides)   Mosey in parking lot Run back and forth for about 50 yards as a group with increasing speed x 4 Jailbreak the same distance x 2   Drop and Do: WMDs x 50...

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O Thistle, Where Art Thou

PAX: Mutton, Butter, Cheesesteak, Zima, Cherry Pie, Dr. Toot Canal (Q, WD), Balco, Lysol. What I lack in imagination, I make up with unrelenting joy with harassing those that are not there, therefore, Thistle, was the man of the hour. So…....

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No rain at VI!

8 PAX converged on a crisp, RAIN-FREE, morning in The Village.  As per YHC’s style, feet were kept dry as they never touched soft ground.   Warm-o-Rama – normal stuff.  Then ran a lap around the parking lot.   The Thang...

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A pax of 23 hit the wet streets of #DTWS to start the month off on the right foot.  If you count Thor twice (as he did the OG route twice), maybe we could claim 24.  YHC especially appreciated the arrival of the run this AM, as it meant my two...

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