Set up for Failure

Warm-O-Rama Arm Circles/Circle Arms Whirly w/ a clap Abe Vigoda CDD IW CH squat Lunge Butt Kicker SSH 1 Minute sets – AMRAP rest AMRAP until timne is up Squats Box jumps Reverse lunges Burpees Split jacks AST Pendulum lunge Burpees Failure...

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After posting the route and tbt for Sunday’s ruck Harden commented that he and a few others would be chasing us down. Luckley Starfish showed up so I didn’t have to run this route with Harden and company as there were only 2 of us for...

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The Star

8 strong PAX met at Hanes park this morning for Impossible Situation. 529 Root canal announces that he woke up late and did not get to properly “warm up”.  YHC let him know that he would not need that today and so we started. Warm o...

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Charlie Foxtrot

Warm up : SSH X 20 IC Mosey to traffic circle for IST,Mt. Climbers, Arm Swirly Things forwards, backwards, Whirly with the Clap, Overhead Claps, Seal Claps, Abe Vigodas The Thing: Mosey to back side of school to logs. Partner up (Single guy...

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11 strong came for my annual trek to Mayhem.  I have the ultimate respect for those living in this neck of the woods who make it regularly to Urban Assault and Flatline.  That is a haul. This morning’s workout did not take a lot of...

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BBBC March 22

TBT Routes 2.4 Miler R Fairhaven L Riding Ridge R Fox Ridge Circle L on Shady Brook R on Shallowford R on Bradford Place Lane R on Riding Ridge L on Fairhaven – home   4 Miler R Fairhaven L Riding Ridge L Saddlebrook Circle L Brookfarm...

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Gettin’ warm without the warm-up

#Flatline started with a mosey to the street below the parking garage for a MINI-ZIMA which was made up of running to the lightposts for burpies – 10 then 8 at the second, 6 at the 3rdetc running home each time for WWII situps x 10 or LBC x 20...

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SubstiQ at Parliament

Warm O Rama: SSH, steve Earls, Whirly with a clap, Abe Vigoda, Arm Swirly forward and backwards, Seal Claps.  Mosey to wall Wall sit and perform Jack Reachers IC X 20, Mike Tysons OYO X 10, Rebound Drill OYO X 10, Fast Feet IC X 20, Donkey Kicks...

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March Madness at The Outhouse

Warm-o-Rama:  The usual for Goofy Mosey to Tennis courts March Madness Suicide after each exercise 64 SSH 32 Merkins 16 Box Cutters 8 Squat Jumps 4 Clap Merkins 2 WW2 sit ups 1  Turkish Get Up Burpees until 6 is up to celebrate  Strength Work at...

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The power of 3

YHC was given the reins again at the Premier Wednesday Morning Boot Camp.  Hmmm….What should I do? Come up with a creative but overly intricate beat down a la Zima? No…execution is everything in a Q and I probably would have to make a...

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