At Least It Isn’t Raining

If you live near the WGW YMCA and were awoken in the gloom Tuesday morning, the likely cause was a cheer coming from the PAX at Redline when they learned we were starting with a run up Pilot View. The good news? It can only get better from there...

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Diego CLIMBed the Outhouse

PAX began to gather in the gloom and spirits were up, following an actual sunny Sunday. Was great to see the sun for a change. Starting to dry things out from a very soggy week.   Warmorama: SSH x15 IC Hillbilly x15 IC Imperial Storm Trooper...

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Urban Assault

9 Pax braved the rain to help celebrate my 53 laps around the sun.  As promised, we stayed as dry as we could in the RJR deck.  The theme of the morning was 3 man grinders at it went something like this: Warm-a-rama SSH x 25  No we did not do 53...

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Rain, Rain Go Away

13 PAX set out on a rainy Friday morning to run a relatively “flat” course starting up Hawthorne and into Ardmore. While the first 2 miles were spent dodging puddles, most of us gave up after a while, running the remainder of the course in...

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Rock the Hill to Nowhere

Warmarama: Side Straddle Hops x 20 reps, Imperial Storm Troopers x 20 reps, Arm Swirly things x 20 reps mosey to the playground.  Quick stop to do 5 Burpees. Hang for 20 seconds x 2, then 5 pull-ups. Mosey to pavilion. 2 rounds of dips x 15 reps...

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As stated in preblast I had 2 winkies ready,  I decided to go with the second one and keep the pax dry. Guess I’ll use the other one in a couple weeks at TheDistillary. Warm up: SSH X 10 IC (Q fail meant to do 20) at this point his namesake...

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5 Years of VI Brilliance

Happy 5 Year Anniversary to the Village of the Idiots. It was a beautiful morning for an outside workout. YHC ensured that the weather portion of the disclaimer was read: “F3 workouts are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold.”...

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@F3WinstonSalem @F3WeFoCo Join YHC for #Parliament tomorrow. I have 2 winkies ready to go depending on weather.  Don’t let a little rain keep you in the fartsack. 2 mile EC run prior launching @05:00. SYITG @SgtSchultz524

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