Rock the Hill to Nowhere

Warmarama: Side Straddle Hops x 20 reps, Imperial Storm Troopers x 20 reps, Arm Swirly things x 20 reps mosey to the playground.  Quick stop to do 5 Burpees. Hang for 20 seconds x 2, then 5 pull-ups. Mosey to pavilion. 2 rounds of dips x 15 reps...

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As stated in preblast I had 2 winkies ready,  I decided to go with the second one and keep the pax dry. Guess I’ll use the other one in a couple weeks at TheDistillary. Warm up: SSH X 10 IC (Q fail meant to do 20) at this point his namesake...

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5 Years of VI Brilliance

Happy 5 Year Anniversary to the Village of the Idiots. It was a beautiful morning for an outside workout. YHC ensured that the weather portion of the disclaimer was read: “F3 workouts are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold.”...

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@F3WinstonSalem @F3WeFoCo Join YHC for #Parliament tomorrow. I have 2 winkies ready to go depending on weather.  Don’t let a little rain keep you in the fartsack. 2 mile EC run prior launching @05:00. SYITG @SgtSchultz524

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Run And Gun

7 Pax gathered at Wiley Middle School for a 3.3mile jaunt through Buena Vista.  The weather was great for an early morning run.  We started down NW Blvd with a left on Reynolda Rd.  After 3/4 of a mile the route turned left at Robin Hood for...

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Goundhog Day at Purgatory

PAX: Goofy,Burlap, Spamalot, Splash, Root Canal, Parkay (WB), Green Acres, Ink Spot (WD), TPS, Razzle Dazzle, Hoptoberfest, D-Day, Bulldog, Turnover, Manscape The celebration of Groundhog Day on February 2nd derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch...

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Lima Whiskey at Charlie Foxtrot

So @Fingers turned in his 30 day notice about 35 days ago that he was leaving his post as the venerable Site Q of F3WinstonSalem’s westernmost Saturday workout.  Since no one stepped up to fill his tough-to-fill shoes, the powers that be...

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