Impossible Situation

As YHC approached Hanes Park I was a little apprehensive.  How many would be there?  Would anyone be there?  You just never know what to expect at the the first AO of the Dash Pax.  Alas, three brave souls awaited my arrival. I had lost a little...

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Winging it at TRQ

Wednesday night as YHC was brushing teeth before bed, I wondered who had the Q in the morning at TRQ. Thought a bit, then remembered it was YHC. 🤪. Oh well. Plenty of time in my Run to Peacehaven to figure something out. Arrived at Speas in a...

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The Punisher at the Still

It was another beautiful in the #WeFoCo rainforest. Rain all week ( Rubber Ducky’s favorite ), and our crazy Spring in NC continues. Let’s get it on! 5:30, all the gang is here. Mission Statement, 5 Core Principles….Check!...

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15 PAX joined at speas for a Huckleberry TRQ.  YHC promised only a short mosey and that is what they got…..along with a lot of reps… Warm o rama – SSH, IW, abe v, michael phelps, peter parker, parker peter, mountain climber...

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First time WIB Q

After taking suggestions for a good WIB location I followed Crash’s advice and chose Calvary Baptist. It turned out to be the perfect location even if the workout sucked. It was simple, but far from easy. Warm-O-Rama: SSH, Abe Vigoda...

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Flip a Coin Day

Since I was undecided of what exactly I wanted to do for this workout and I found out it was national flip a coin day it felt like it was meant to be that a coin would decide. Maybe sometime we will do all the other exercises not chosen by the...

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Keep it simple

10 pax decided against flipping a coin at Distillery and putting up with Turnovers music at TRQ and so posted to WIB.  The goal, simple and “easy”…….. warm o rama – SSH, IW, abe V, peter parker, mountain climbers...

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BLIMPS and a 47 Year old WB

YHC rolled into a smaller (in number) PAX at Purgatory which was missing some of the regulars for this fine AO. After some almost late stragglers, Starfish arriving with 30 seconds to spare, we were at 9 and began promptly at 7! Normal...

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No Country for Mittens

PAX: Burns, Spicoli, Mittens(WB), Dr. Toot(WD,Q) A clear, breezy predawn greeted the Launch Pad PAX. Perfect for an unimaginative Q of the Tootster. We dispensed with the preamble and warmed right up with stretches and SSHs. The Thang: We moseyed...

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Big Wieners Club

Urban Assault! The rain wasn’t too bad to start with but we all (minus Mittens) immediately ran to the parking deck at 5:30 before stretching. Stretching the stuff SSH mittens shows up! HILLBILLY IMPERIAL FORWARD AND BACK ARM SWIRLIES ABE VIGODA...

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