BBBC Meta PreBlast
The PAX: Pita, Huckleberry, Litterbox, Sleeper, Red Eye, Zima, Quiver, TPS, Ziggy Stardust, Pony Express, Balco, Offside, Beverly, Touch Me Not 15 PAX gathered for a physical and emotional beating at Mayhem. We lifted heavy things, sprinted...
Read moreThe PAX: Sourmash, Pita, Whirly, Gemini, Harden, Drano, Inkspot, Drama Queen, Zima, Palin, Sassy, Fingers, Wobegon, Snyder, Spamalot, The Singing Cowboy, Boomerang, Shingles, Hedwig 19 PAX took it upon themselves to embrace a history lesson about...
Read morerepeat the loop 3 times then do cool Manly exercises for 15 20minutes SYITG
Read moreThe group arrived on Spicoli time to the worksite after a refreshing workout and charming breakfast at Cagney’s. After a brief jobsite orientation and safety review, the PAX dispersed like busy worker bees. The house was donated to H4H by a bank...
Read moreFate whispers to the warrior, “You can’t withstand the storm.” And the warrior whispers back, “I AM THE STORM!“ PAX: Ink Spot (WD); Balco; Total Recall (WB); Redeye; Zuck (QIC) QIC: Zuckerberg The last time YHC...
Read more2 week of Urban Assault Rooky Q’s- Warm-o-rama; in circle: side straddle hops, storm troopers, mountain climbers, A-pagodas, Whirly’s got the clap, Then on Baily park lawn: butt-kicks and long-strides down and back, 10 Derkins, 15 Merkins...
Read more7 pax (Mutton, Roosevelt, Van Gogh, Bluto, Toto, Thistle, Whirly) gathered at HP to run and do stuff: Before the running and doing stuff, a little warmorama: SSH x 25 IC IST x 20 IC Whirly clappers x 20 IC Abe Vigoda x 10 IC Running: Run one lap...
Read moreThis morning we had the Village Idiocy version of #teacherspets. 3 of the pax got after it before the workout and YHC was not among them. Awesome work to Hardin, Drama Queen and Sassy. Sassy had to cut out a bit early to support his wife who is...
Read moreWhen YHC instructed the PAX to circle up for WOR, several shouted back, ‘There’s no WarmORama…this is FLATLINE!” Ohhh…K. YHC made a quick adjustment and sprinted off to the parking deck. Luckily for the PAX, tossing...
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