Is this a backblast?

It was a beautiful morning in the village of clemmons when I arrived to Q Charlie Foxtrot. I was expecting big numbers given all the reasons to change over from Dawgpound, not to mention the great weather, but alas we were four….. kinda...

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Driving Past the Speedtrap

It’s a funny thing arriving at The Estate on Monday mornings. Oftentimes the Speedtrappers are parked near the entrance…shorty shorts, soccer arms and fancy rides to boot. As each pax enters the general AO he receives a hard stare from this small...

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A Block Party Sponsored by Zima

Warm-o-rama. SSH, Toy Soldiers, Whirlies, Spider Merkins, IST   Beatdown. While one of the PAX “farmer carries” (or however the hell he feels like it) two cinder blocks around the track, the rest of the PAX do 7 reps of the following...

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Inspired or Infected?

Warmarama (IC): Typical Greenspan mix.   The Thang: Mashup of the best / worst of WIB and Iron pax.  Partner up for four stations of refreshment: Upper Trail 10 partner planks / WW2s; flipflop 10 partner merkins 10 low squat jumps Lower Lot 10...

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Speedtrap gets into first gear

7 Pax hit the ground running a Speedtrap First Gear hybrid to start off the week.  Temperatures were pleasant considering the 90 degree forecast for the day. The Thang: We started with a warm up lap near a mile long by heading up Yorkshire, right...

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9s and 19s

Warm O Rama 9 Abe 19 IST 19 Seal Clap The Thing 9 exercises 9 (1,4,7) – 9 (2,5,8) – 19 (3,6,9) reps   Station 1 1 dips 2 Carolina dry docks 3 mtn climbers- Double Count Station 2 4 Peter parker Merkin 5 Sumo squat 6 American...

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11 PAX drove to #theestate in 7 cars. Nice use of the clown cars! We all gathered in the parking lot to get ready for school and the new soccer season. This is what unfolded. Warm-o-rama SSH IST Abe Vigoda Whirly with the clap Toy Soldiers Arm...

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