April Fool’s Day at The Estate

PAX: Little Piggy, Drip, Cheesesteak, Dr. Suess (WB), Bluto, Huckleberry, Offsides (WD), Blue Steel, JarJar, Snooki, Chisel, BALCO (QIC) A bunch of fools woke up early to realize that it was winter again.  At least it wasn’t raining.  After...

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Rolling Sixes

7 PAX watched the sun rise during a beat down on a pleasant March morning at Charlie Foxtrot. WARMARAMA:  Performed at the parking lot below Morgan Elementary, we completed a medley of SSHs, Seal Claps, Hillbillies, Whirly’s With a Clap...

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The Estate 3/11/19

YHC received a just-in-time request to take the Q for the morning, which I immediately accepted. While discussing the prospect with a PAX that shall not be named while watching the bball game Saturday night in an exclusive downtown high rise...

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March Madness in #WeFoCo

Warm-O-Rama: SSH, Whirly’s w/ the Clap, ISTs, Arm Swirlies (FWD & BKWD), Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Abe Vigodas The THANG: Mosey to breezeway and partner up for DORA 1-2-3 100 Merkins 200 LBCs 300 Squats You know the drill! Circle up...

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Outhouse 3/4/19

YHC arrived on time and well prepared. I had to change the battery in my little pink watch, Goofy was not there to appreciate its return to action. I was a little disappointed with the lack of rain, given the efforts I had put into creating a...

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March…In Like an Alarm!

13 PAX posted for a Lysol Q on this, the 1st Monday of March. Most of the PAX gathered to see what type of “Roar” YHC might bring to the famed Estate (can anyone recall the original name of The Estate?)…note the huge caveat...

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Diego CLIMBed the Outhouse

PAX began to gather in the gloom and spirits were up, following an actual sunny Sunday. Was great to see the sun for a change. Starting to dry things out from a very soggy week.   Warmorama: SSH x15 IC Hillbilly x15 IC Imperial Storm Trooper...

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A most presidential beatdown

Date: 2/18/2018 Pax: Fokker, Closer, Cheesesteak, Touch Me Not, Chisel, Huckleberry, Zima, Interference, Jar Jar, Balco, Razzie, Rust Bucket (WD), Bluto, Snookie, Dr. Suess (WB), Red Eye (QIC) Presidents’ Day wasn’t a day off for 16...

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