Miscounted Pax

7 Pax (not 6) posted for an 8 mile “mosey” around Sherwood Forest this morning.  With the temps dropping nicely, it would have seemed like a waste to not put in some distance, so the SpeedTrap format was adjusted for today.   No...

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School is back in session

Pax far and wide have mixed feelings about days like today . . . some are overjoyed that their 2.0s are back in school, others may be a bit sad that the sight of school buses is an indication that summer is drawing to a close (and that Meadowlark...

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Birthday beatdown at The Estate

On this day in 2003, our family welcomed our 2nd child and only son, Howell.  He would later rise in stature to become known as Kapow in F3.  So this beatdown allowed the pax to get to know Kapow a little bit better and be stronger for it...

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Pre-Shmedfest Convergence

Convergences — we don’t have them very often.  And that is on purpose, as we want the small workout groups to thrive, to attract new guys, to serve the various neighborhoods near the AOs, and to serve the guys that come faithfully to...

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Finding Inspiration at #TheEstate

13 posted at #TheEstate and faced a theme-less Q. The design was to start out with heavy strength, and build with increasing intensity and cardio over the 45 minutes. The final story at the end of this beat down is worth  a read.  Like the...

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Chase the Mouse in my head!!!

Welcome to my head and the mouse that turns the wheel! That is how I should have greeted the Pax this morning, but didn’t think about it until the end (I guess the mouse wasn’t running yet during that time of day). It was great to be...

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Posting at Plunger’s request: Posting here your direct link to the Shmedfest Evite as well as details on the festivities that day. As a reminder – and new information for those who have never attended Shmedfest – this is a...

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BRR Test Run at First Gear

Today’s First Gear was dedicated to all of us who hate running 1st St. It is as brutal of a stretch as some legs of BRR due to the gradual climb, undulating hills, and length. With less than a month to go before the Main Event, YHC thought...

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Suicides at the Estate

I don’t know why Tuco asked me to Q yesterday, did he forget to acquire a volunteer?  Did the previous Q bail out?  I don’t know, but I agreed and 16 pax got a rehash of the last time I q’ed at the Estate.  I call it the Suicide...

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Fartleks and Gatorade

5 posted in the gloom to fartlek around Buena Vista and the West Highlands this morning. YHC had enjoyed last week’s format so much that it was decided to repeat (read copy) the work out. All that was needed was a new route, which can be found...

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