Simple (but not easy) Plan

YHC found himself on deck at #Putratory late Friday night after getting home from a weeklong work trip in Chicago. Having somehow missed the Upcoming Q duties, it was a last minute plan that had to come together after a long day of traveling. So...

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This Thursday marks the 4th of July, a wondrous holiday worthy of a convergence! All regularly scheduled F3 AOs will converge for a special 0700 beatdown at Jamison Park (next to #Mayhem). If you are a site-Q, please bring your shovel flags to...

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Squatters Rights!

YHC found himself on deck #TheOuthouse after a Sauratown 10K yesterday, and boy did much of what was planned turn out to be more difficult than originally intended. The theme wasn’t related to much other than taking advantage of what the AO has...

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Deconstructed Burp-Ups

  YHC was up late last night working on a project and then made to stay up even later due to a waking 2 ½ year old. Flip to waking up at 0524 to promptly scrambling! YHC grabbed a workout shirt, towel, and some gloves (having slept in...

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Omaha Denied

YHC loves to Q WIB and typically tries to find a location that is close to my house.  But with VG on the Q at TRQ and the WeFoCo group meeting up on the west side, I wanted to provide a more central location for the dash PAX to meet.  And...

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Cobains and Back Pain

  It’s been a hot minute since YHC last Q’d at TRQ, and was excited to be back! YHC was hoping to hand out some #Kotters to a few returning PAX, but today was not the day. I encourage all PAX to reach out to some guys you haven’t seen in...

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Zuck’s Return @ B&W

11 pax embraced the Zuck on a lovely Wednesday morning @ Bells & Whistles.  After not Q’ing a bootcamp workout for nearly a year (just two weeks shy), the call was made and YHC answered.  The ol’ Q-School Manual had to be read and...

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OK.  Look.  I knew I was scheduled to Q this workout today, but it didn’t really register until yesterday evening, and I had to get a workout planned before my bedtime.  That didn’t leave much time at all.  I thought about making it a...

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Inspired By an Economist

Inspired by Greenspan’s invigorated Flatline beatdown from the day before, Cherry Pie planned a non-stop, no 10-count, no let-up 45 minute stream of continuous fun. No surprise…the PAX showed up & took it all in stride.  It went something...

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No Quit

Eight of the DashPax conquered the fartsack and then conquered the ALARMs that awaited them in downtown WS on a perfect spring morning. Warmarama: …   The Thang: While we wait for any late arrivals, run to end of the launch lot. Run forward two...

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